Katie Zirschky (Maid of Honor, Best Friend)
I met Katie when we were sophomores in high school. Throughout high school, college and our years so far in medical school she's been a constant source of support, a dream of a housemate, with whom I have always felt I could be exactly me. Even if me is singing Selena Gomez at the top of my off-key lungs. She is wise and kind and uncommonly generous with both her compassion and time. I'm blessed that she's accepted my request to be my maid of honor.
Shannon Young (Sister)
Shannon was born when I was 2 and a half years old. Things were never the same. She was destructive and frustrating and it took me a while to get used to her. And then we were best friends. Nothing has changed now 22 years later. She great at everything she does, and no matter how difficult things are, her encouragement makes me feel like I can handle it. At her baptism I tried to talk about how important she is to me, and I just choked right up in front of the whole congregation. I love her. That simple.
Emma Young (Sister)
When Emma was a baby, Shannon shoved her off a chair and she smacked her head on a concrete floor. Sometimes we like to tease her about her early head trauma, but the truth is that she's rather brilliant, accomplished, she makes people light up around her. Her face looks a bit like mine, and sometimes old teachers mistake her for me. She hates it, but I consider it a compliment that I get to be associated with her. She's grown into a generous and compassionate woman and I'm blessed to have her in my life.
Nicola Young (Sister)
With three older sisters to spoil her, you would think Nicola wouldn't have turned out so level-headed, but she's wise and kind, fiery and witty and she makes me want to be a better person every day. There's almost 8 years between us, but it feels like much less. She's a sister and a best friend.
Kellie Carstensen (Sister)
Kellie's the sister I was missing until I started dating John. About a year into dating John, Kellie and I spent most of a day when I was visiting watching Gilmore Girls, and I knew it was going to work out. She's kind, thoughtful, funny and I'm blessed because she's already like a sister.
Tiffany Setiono (Best Friend)
Tiffany and I met at Westmont, where we were placed in the same section. It didn't take us long to become friends, and find that we had the same denominational background, and so began four great years of church-going friendship. Tiffany kept me accountable, and had the best sense of humor when things got ridiculous. Talking to her feels like eating your favorite soup - it's warm and good for the soul.
Drew Tillman (Best Friend and Best Man)
I first became close with Drew at the start of my third year at Westmont. We were both RAs in the same dorm and Drew lost no time asking me if I would like to hang out. Since then he has been a constant companion, asking me the toughest questions and never settling for the status quo. I am honored he has accepted to be my Best Man.
Eric Conwell (Best Friend)
Eric was also an RA with Drew and I. It was there that learned how incredibly, seriously-it-is-stupid-how funny Eric is. His wit and his smile make me twinge with jealously, especially towards his new wife who gets to hang out with him all the time. Anyways, it was really in the years following graduation that Eric and I became good friends. We were drinking whiskey and sanding down a concrete table he had made when he asked me to be in his wedding. Luckily I also had a wedding coming up and could show just how much that meant.
Evan Engle (Best Friend)
When I got to Westmont it did not take long for Evan and I to become good friends. We bonded in the first few weeks over similar interests, decided to get piercings together and eventually to room together the following year. Since then Evan has been a constant and compassionate companion. Evan knows me so well that he likes to make predictions about how I will act in certain situations and then relish in the fact that I often do or feel as he predicted.
Joseph Foster (Best Friend)
Joe is a man that I really admire. He is intelligent, capable and above all, incredibly generous. I could brag about Joe for a long while but I will just say this: it is no surprise that anytime one of our friends gets married, Joe is in the wedding party.
Ryan Reiner (Best Friend... for like a long time)
Ryan and I met freshmen year of high school. In high school I lived a very polarized existence: I was either "in love" or "heartbroken" and I did each very well and I listened to a lot of Dashboard Confessionals. With all the changes of heart, Ryan was a Constant in my life. We separately decided to go to Westmont and together decided to be roommates when we got there. I am very thankful for that year for the selfish reasons that it was the year Ryan taught me (1) a lot about myself and (2) taught me what it means to a friend. These are lessons he is is still giving me and I can't express how grateful I am for him, for that specifically and for, you know, generally how much fun he is to be around.
Tanner Judkins (Best Friend... also for a while)
Have I used the term kindred soul yet? Because that is what Tanner is. The other guys on this page can always tell what I am thinking and this is true for Tanner as well. The only difference is Tanner can tell because often, he is thinking the same thing.
Tanner Judkins (Best Friend... also for a while)
Have I used the term kindred soul yet? Because that is what Tanner is. The other guys on this page can always tell what I am thinking and this is true for Tanner as well. The only difference is Tanner can tell because often, he is thinking the same thing.
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