Monday, July 16, 2012


Hi everyone! We are less than three weeks away and as we finish preparations we will doubtless find more information we would like share with you. So make sure to check back here the week of the wedding for important last minute details.

In the meantime, here are a few useful bits of information:

1. The "Map" page now has detailed directions to the wedding site.

2. Kari would like all the ladies to be made aware of the fact that the ceremony and reception site are mostly in the grass and wedges are preferable to heels.

3. Even late in the afternoon we are expecting very warm weather (80-90 degrees) so dress accordingly - still classy and wedding appropriate, just go for lighter fabrics and colors. The general feel of the wedding is going to be very light, summery and organic. 

4. Dinner will be vegan/vegetarian cuisine (surprised?) but don't be afraid, it is all very tasty.

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